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The next meeting of the Roebuck Springs Historic Preservation Society will be on September 28, 2004, at Wilson Chapel, 7:00pm
Enter basement door, first room on left
Guest Speaker: John Wilson

John Wilson will review the proposed landscape beautification of Wilson
Chapel and the old cemetery. Please notify your neighbors of this meeting
and make every effort to attend.

Also…The election of new RSHPS board members will be held during our
October 26, 2004 meeting. Please notify Ken Horton of any nominations you may have,
and/or if you are interested in serving yourself.

In the News…

South East Lake residents see plans for grade school

Buyer plans upgrades for Roebuck Shopping Center

City-funded home ownership center opens in East Lake

Ruffner Mountain center adds new staff members

`It’s the first time in my life I haven’t gotten bored with what I do.’

Roebuck rec center getting new gym

The objectives of the Roebuck Springs Historic Preservation Society are to:

Promote the use, maintenance and preservation of historic structures within the Roebuck Springs Historic Neighborhood;

Provide assistance to individuals, organizations or corporations seeking to rehabilitate and preserve a historic property and bring it into active use;

Support new construction that is sensitive to the historic character of the neighborhood;

Utilize other means necessary to preserve endangered historic properties.

The Mission of the RSHPS Website-

The RSHPS website was created for both our neighbors and our visitors. For our neighbors, the site is a communication tool providing information about and connections to the neighborhood, its preservation society, and the city.

For our visitors, our site is a window to the Roebuck Springs neighborhood — its offerings, events, history — and an invitation to visit and enjoy it with us.

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